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Vintage Burt's German to English Dictionary, Embroidered Book Spine (BK-A135)
Antique Sheet Music, Still as the Night, Love Songs, Carl Bohm (EP-A064)
French Doll Dress Patterns, Evelyn Ackerman 1977 - (CS-A027)
Rolling Stone Magazine, Issue# 514, December 1987, R.E,M (CO-A035)
Antique Letterpress Block, Dog, Copper Print Block, Typesetting Block
Sheet Music, 1940s Musical Notes Practice Book, John W. Schaum (EP-A025)
Jon Bon Jovi The Jersey Syndicate Tour Book 1980s (CO-A033)
Vintage Book, 1948 The Story of Old Dolls and How to Make New Ones
Vintage Book, String Figures and How to Make them, Cat’s Cradle 1962 (BK-A130)
Antique Print, Set of 5 book pages - Industrial Crops and Uses - Lithograph
Antique Prints, Set of 5 book pages - European, Middle Eastern History
Vintage Art BOOK, The Female Figure in Motion by Thomas Jennings 1971 (BK-A028)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Blank Sheet Music BOOK, 1977 (BK-A124)
Antique Book - Crofton Cousins Series, The New Fishing Smack or Perseverance
Vintage Newsweek, February 1936, Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 Winter Olympics
The Book of American Indians, 1953 Ralph B. Raphael, Native American Culture
Antique Book 1915, The Land of Living Color-Pictorial History J.B. Scofield
Vintage Playboy Magazine, November 1961 (EP-A101)
Vintage Playboy Magazine, July 1960 (EP-A101)
Vintage Playboy Magazine, January 1961 Holiday (EP-A100)